Something something studs

 Not a huge update so first I'll post a couple of images of the current progress, then we'll get into the meat of the post.

So, the astute follower might notice that the assembly has gotten a lot more studly.  Studs have taken up the majority of my time over the last few days, 25 of them to be exact.

Other than that I did the main bearing caps. There are three different part numbers but two of them are the same with minor differences.

620792 and 620793 are practically the same part except 620793 has two small holes with spotfaces in the front for the timing marker. 620793 is the No. 1 bearing cap, while 620792 is used for almost all the rest of the caps except No. 4.

The No. 4 cap is 601423 and it's a bit beefier. Or maybe you'd call it a bit studlier. bah dum bum tsss


  1. How do you know about the minor differences between the part numbers? Do you have a full set of drawings for this engine?

    1. Yes, I have a complete set of blueprints. They are available to view if you subscribe to


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